Our Story
About Shifting Your Mindset

We are committed to serving others and remain unwavering in our pursuit of a society where hope thrives, communities flourish, and individuals achieve their fullest potential. Our collaborative efforts extend across local and global partnerships, all driven by a shared commitment to making a positive impact. Through our programs, we equip our beneficiaries with the skills and resources needed to thrive independently, ensuring that the positive impact we initiate endures for generations.
A thriving society where men, fathers, families, and children are empowered to overcome challenges, achieve well-being, and build stronger, connected communities.
To support and uplift men, fathers, families, and children by providing safe spaces, practical support, and essential resources to help them overcome poverty, poor health, financial struggles, and other life challenges fostering resilience, well-being, and thriving communities .
Transforming Lives
Empower Inspire Heal
We believe in fostering resilience not only in individuals but also in the communities and environments they inhabit. Through our programs, we aim to equip our beneficiaries with the skills and resources they need to thrive independently, ensuring that the positive impact we initiate endures for generations. Our resolute mission is to continually expand our support services, reaching and uplifting even more individuals

Our Values
Chiono chedu
Isu tinofambiswa neRUDO uye tinofungidzira zuva apo vanhu vese vachashongedzerwa kuti vabudirire kutora matambudziko ezvehukama uye munhu wese anogona kurarama zvine chiremerera. Chishuwo chedu chekusundira kuwedzera tariro, kuenzana uye kufunga mukati mevanhu.
Basa redu
Chinangwa chedu ndechekusimudzira nekuwana mhinduro dzakasimba kune avo vari panjodzi yehurombo, kusaenzana kwevanhukadzi, kusaenzana kwemarudzi, nzara, hutano hwepfungwa, kushomeka kwemhando yepamusoro dzidzo, uye kushayikwa
mvura yakachena & hutsanana.
Chinangwa chedu
Kusimudza ruzivo rwematambudziko emagariro pamwe nekutsigira vanhu kuti vadzokere shure kwekushungurudzika kupora kuitira kuti vagone kuvandudza hupenyu hwavo munzira yemagariro-nehupfumi inobudirira.
Maitiro edu
Isu tinotenda kuti hutungamiriri hunotora ushingi kukurudzira kukurudzira kutora njodzi mukutsvaga shanduko yemagariro. Isu tinoshuvira kuve neushingi nekutaura chokwadi pamusoro penyaya dzakakoshesesa kune vezvemagariro uye nekupokana vatungamiriri vezvematongerwo enyika neasina purofiti kuti vave vanokurudzira, vakashinga uye vakashinga apo isu tinoshanda kuwedzera zvinangwa zvesangano redu.
Kupa simba
Tinotenda kuti hutungamiriri hunoda kupihwa simba nezveramangwana, kuda kubvunza mibvunzo yakaoma, uye kuzvipira pakudzidza uye kunzwisisa kwakadzama. Tinotenda kana iwe ukashongedza vanhu nezviwanikwa zvakakodzera ivo vanokwanisa kuzadzisa kugona kwavo kwakazara nenzira inogara iripo.
Tinoshuvira kuita zvese zvatinogona kuti tione kuti munhu wese anowana rutsigiro pamwe nekufemerwa chero zera rake, dzinza, murume kana murume, hutano, hurema, kana zvitendero. Isu tarisiro yedu ndeyekuita shanduko huru mukati mevanhu nekusimudzira kugona, kupa zano rinoshanda uye kupa vanhu simba kuti vagone kusimudzira hupenyu hwavo.
Isu tinotenda mukukosha kwekushanda pamwe nevamwe uye kubudirira pamwechete izvo zvingave zvisingaite wega. Tinoshuvira kuunza mweya wekushandira pamwe nehurongwa kune zvese zvatinoita, kudzidza kubva mukuona nekutungamira kwevamwe, uye nekugovana pachena izvo vamwe vangangokwanisa kudzidza kubva kwatiri.
Isu tinotenda kuti iyo isingabatsiri chikamu ichifumiswa nehupamhi hwechiyero chayo mukati mechinangwa chayo chemagariro. Isu tinotenda kuti ichi chinangwa chemagariro chinodaidzira kusangano risingabatsiri kuti vagamuchire kusiyanisa, kusanganisa, uye kuenzana munzira dzakadzama nedzeshanduko. Isu tinoshuvira kuve takabatanidzwa munzira yatinoita nekudzidza kubva kubhodhi uye vatungamiriri vevashandi, uye kuteedzera kuzvipira kwedu kune kusiyanisa, kusanganisa, uye kuenzana mune zvese zvatinoita.
Isu tinoshanda takazvimiririra, hunyanzvi, kuzvipira, uye pachena nzira.
Simba Redu
Mukuita basa redu pachedu tinoziva kuti tinobudirira patinoshanda pamwe chete, uye tinotenda kuti sesangano tinoshanda nekuvimbika uye nebasa kuzvinangwa zvesangano uye tinopa tarisiro yakakosha uye kuzvidavirira kune vanobatsirwa nesangano, vanopa, uye ruzhinji rwevanhu. Kuchinja basa reMindset Yako kwakavakirwa mukutenda kwakakosha kuti mabhodhi akakosha pakubudirira kwesangano.
Our Services
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Our projects cover one of the following themes:
Our activities include:
Provide community-based support, services, programmes, courses, and events to improve and transform lives of people within disadvantaged communities;
Provide social activities and initiatives that help to bring people together, strengthen communities, build up resilience, foster positive connections, embrace inclusivity, reduce isolation, share skills and experiences;
Provide leisure and social activities to empower children and young people to fulfil their potential as well as positively contribute within their communities;
Provide mentorship to support young people or organisations to maximise their potential, develop their skills, and become members of the communities with value;
Provide talent outreach support for children and young people to help improve their wellbeing, career aspirations and goals;
Develop communities to improve the sustainability and independence of community environments and family life;
Provide a male-focused programmes with tailored support, services, that will help for men/fathers to achieve personal, educational or career outcomes;
Provide young/teenage fathers support to empower them to be actively involved in their child/children's lives despite the challenges to ensure continuity in the family fundamentals;
Provide peer support, advocacy, improving wellbeing, mentorship, developing employability workshops and parenting support;
Provide workshops, conferences, seminars, and activities that will empower people to look after their mental wellbeing, build resilience, and increase self-esteem;
Provide a talk show that will cultivate mindfulness and compassion that will shift society from a stereotypical culture;
Provide drop-in cafés within the community to that will help form safe spaces with communities and inspire strategies that will help tackle climate change;